The Trainer Neighbor


Legendary Member
Nov 8, 2020
90% Straight, 10% Gay

Anthony had to admit, although his wife worked so many hours as a corporate lawyer that he rarely got to see her, he was grateful for the life it afforded them. The building Hilary’s company had moved them into was something he could have never afforded on his freelance salary, but he wasn’t going to complain about the expansive views, gleaming new appliances, and prime location. Even better were the building amenities – a basement gym, sauna, and even outdoor pool, all of it open 24/7. After just a month living there, he was starting to feel the best about his body since he was in his 20s.

Not that he needed to put in much work – at 35, Anthony had always been fit, but years of a comfortable relationship and a slowing metabolism had given him a bit of a dad bod. But the more work he put in at the gym, the more he felt sure that, the next time Hilary pulled her eyes away from her laptop, she’d be greeted with rock-hard abs and bulging biceps, and her “I’m busy” excuse would evaporate under pure lust.

Which is why he found himself in the building gym, alone, past 10pm, while she was still at the office. Anthony loaded up another pair of plates on the bench press for one final set. On the first few reps Anthony felt his pecs and arms straining against the weight, but he kept pushing through, trying to hit 6 reps. By 5, his arms were shaking, but he let the bar drop down to his chest and started to push towards the ceiling for his final rep. Halfway up, his arms started to shake and buckle, unable to push the bar all the way up. Suddenly, the bar felt like it weighed nothing, and it easily settled back on the rack.

Standing above Anthony and helping him was a man he’d never seen before, and a huge one at that. Boulder arms, trunk thighs, face like a cliche superhero. “Shit, thanks man,” Anthony said, sitting up on the bench and turning to face the stranger.

“No problem. You really shouldn’t try to push it so hard when you’re alone down here. You’re lucky I had just walked in,” he said, before sticking out his meaty hand. “Sam.”

“Anthony,” he replied, shaking Sam’s hand. “And you’re right. I guess I was a little overconfident.”

“Neighbors have to look out for each other!” Sam laughed, and started helping Anthony unload the weights from the bar. “You new? Haven’t seen you around.”

“Just moved in. 5B.”

“Ah, no shit? I’m 6B,” Sam replied. “Well, welcome. Good to see someone else using the gym, I don’t know why it’s always dead.”

“Yeah, you’re the first person I’ve ever seen down here,” Anthony said, wiping the sweat from his face with a towel.

“Well, if we’re gonna be gym buddies, I have to warn you. I’m a personal trainer, so you’ll probably catch me filming online content down here. If it annoys you, just ask me to stop.”

“No, man, it’s cool!” Anthony shrugged. “Everyone’s gotta make money.”

“Awesome. Well, I’m going to get started, but nice to meet you,” Sam said, before beginning to set up his phone at a good filming angle.

“Have a good workout, man,” Anthony said, and left the gym. As he rode the elevator back up to his apartment, he wiped more sweat from his face with the towel, before realizing he still had the towel. The building was full of tattletales and busybodies, typical in an expensive new construction, and the last thing he wanted was to be called out on some building email chain about not properly returning gym or pool towels. “Damnit,” he muttered, before punching the B button and sending the elevator back down to the basement.

The gym was down a short hallway from the elevators, so you couldn’t see inside the gym until you were walking through the door. Which is why Anthony stopped in his tracks upon walking into the gym and immediately seeing his new neighbor’s ass. Sam was doing barbell curls with his back to the door, filming himself in only a jockstrap. It was impossible not to notice how thick and well-shaped Sam’s ass was, lifted by the jockstrap, flexing with every pump of the dumbbells. After a rep or two, Sam suddenly noticed Anthony in the mirror, and dropped the weights.

“Oh, fuck!” he said, turning around. His 5’10” body was as ripped and cut as it looked like it would be when he was wearing more clothes, but with surprisingly more hair on his torso than Anthony was expecting. As to why he was even thinking about or expecting hair or no hair on Sam’s body, Anthony didn’t pause to wonder. He tried not to look south of Sam’s abs, but it was hard not to notice a hefty bulge in the jock, the clear outline of a swollen cock pressing against the fabric.

“I’m sorry, man, I just had to return this towel,” Anthony said, sheepishly.

“No, I’m sorry! I, uh, well… as you can see, I offer some incentives to get people to subscribe to my online training sometimes,” Sam said.

“No need to explain, man,” Anthony replied. “Like I said, everyone’s gotta make money.”

“Thanks for being cool about it,” Sam said.

“No worries at all. Sorry your private gym is a little less private now that I’ve moved in,” Anthony joked.

“Don’t sweat it. I’ll try not to surprise you in the future. And, hey, I’m sorry if this is too forward: I’d give you some free training if you want sometime. Couldn’t help but notice your form could use a little work…” he said, laughing to take the sting out of the critique.

Anthony chuckled, before thinking about it. The dude was seriously built – enormous pecs sitting above rows of thick abs, thighs swollen on either side of the bulging jock. The guy must know what he’s doing, Anthony figured. And free training? No better way to get his body back in shape faster. “You know what? I might take you up on that.”

“Cool, man, just let me know! And sorry about this again.”

“Honestly, stop apologizing,” Anthony said. “It’s basically a private gym. And between you and me, I jerked off down here once.” Why did I say that? Anthony thought.

Sam laughed, and wiped sweat from his forehead. “Ha! Well, I’ll keep your secret if you keep mine.”

“Deal,” Anthony laughed, and nodded goodbye before heading back up to his apartment. Inside, he stripped naked and eyed his body in the mirror, mentally comparing it to Sam’s. He had muscles underneath his dad bod paunch, but nothing like what Sam was working with. I’m definitely going to let him train me, he thought.


Legendary Member
Nov 8, 2020
90% Straight, 10% Gay

Later that week, Anthony walked up one flight to Sam’s apartment and knocked on the door. It swung open, revealing Sam, in only a pair of mesh gym shorts, his muscular chest bared. Behind him, Anthony could see an apartment with the exact same layout as his below.

“Hey man, I was just coming up here to say I’d take you up on that training offer if it’s still good.”

“No shit! I was wondering if my little show scared you away,” Sam laughed.

Anthony laughed too. “Nope, man. If anything, it was a good ad for what you could make me look like.”

“Yeah, I guess it kinda was,” Sam said, absentmindedly rubbing one of his pecs with his hand. “Well, what are you doing later? Want to meet down there in an hour?”

“Sure!” Anthony said. They exchanged numbers, just in case, and Anthony went back downstairs to finish work, before heading down to the gym to meet Sam.

When he arrived, the gym was empty as usual, except for Sam, who was wearing the same mesh shorts as earlier, but now with a tank top over it, one with deep arm cutouts that exposed the majority of his pecs. Anthony felt inferior standing next to this muscle god, but hoped that by the end of it he’d look more like Sam.

“Let’s start with some stretching,” Sam said, rolling out a yoga mat on the floor. Anthony got down on the mat in front of Sam, who started working him through a series of stretches, each one seemingly more painful than the last.

“Jesus Christ,” Anthony moaned as Sam helped position him into a runner’s stretch.

“I know, man, but you’re not a teenager anymore, so trust me you’ll thank me for this shit in your 40s,” Sam said, as he gently placed his hands on Anthony’s waist and to help keep his pelvis in position.

After warming up, Sam coached Anthony through a leg day circuit. Throughout, Anthony noticed that Sam wasn’t shy about touching him, even though they still barely knew each other. He’d never had a trainer before, so figured this must be part of the drill, and though it was a little strange getting used to another man touching him, holding his arms, or even gripping his hips, he did appreciate how much better his form was already getting with the help of a pro. As he struggled with his final reps on the squat rack, Sam stood directly behind him, his hands gently touching around his waist to ensure he was keeping his core braced.

Even more touching happened when Sam ran Anthony through stretches to end the workout – at one point, Sam’s body was more or less pressed against Anthony’s thigh as he helped him get an intense hamstring stretch. “Hope you’re okay with this!” Sam laughed as he pressed his sweaty body against Anthony’s thigh, who also laughed. “I’m really getting to know the new neighbor!”

After a week of sessions, Anthony was fucking beat. Everything hurt. His legs were stiff, his shoulders could barely move, and he could even feel a strain in his biceps when doing as little as moving his thumb to text. The last thing he wanted to do was work out, but on a Sunday morning he went down to the gym to meet Sam as promised, dreading the experience.

In the gym, Sam had set up two yoga mats side-by-side. Before Anthony could even say anything, Sam grinned and asked, “Hurting yet?”

“You have no fucking idea, man,” Anthony laughed, stiffly walking towards Sam.

“Thought that might be the case. Today we’re just going to try to loosen you up. Ever done yoga?” he asked.

“Uh… once with my wife. I looked like an idiot the whole time.”

“Well, it’s just you and me, so don’t worry about that,” Sam said. “Just relax and focus on the movements and I promise you’ll leave here feeling better than you did before.”

For the next hour, Anthony struggled through the yoga poses Sam walked him through, the entire time self-conscious of how much he was trembling, sliding around, or even simply falling over, while Sam made it all look effortless next to him. The trainer’s muscular body seemed to be as flexible as a gymnast’s. By the end of it, both men were pouring sweat, their shirts clinging to their chests.

“And now we sauna, really loosen it all up,” Sam said, clapping Anthony on the shoulder.

“I’ve never actually used the sauna here,” Anthony said, lifting up the bottom of his shirt to wipe sweat off his face.

“No? It’s a great perk!” Sam said, peeling his shirt up and off his torso like it was nothing. His chest was matted with glistening, wet fur. He turned and trotted back towards the locker room, and Anthony followed. Turning the corner, he was greeted with Sam’s naked ass pointed straight at him in the very small locker room, as the trainer bent over to remove his shorts, before wrapping a towel around his waist and entering the sauna. Anthony stripped down and entered, a towel around his own waist.

The sauna was tiny, with just enough room for two guys, which meant Anthony and Sam’s thighs (still covered by their towels) were practically touching. But Sam seemed cool with it, so Anthony didn’t feel weird. The small size also meant the room started heating up quickly, and it wasn’t long before the heat had sweat trailing down both their torsos. They breathed and relaxed.

“So, you’re married?” Sam asked, nodding at the ring on Anthony’s left hand. “How come I haven’t seen them around?”

“She’s so busy with her work, man, I barely see her!” Anthony laughed, and Sam just smiled and nodded.

“Ah, that explains it,” he said, and Anthony raised an eyebrow, slightly confused, but Sam didn’t elaborate.

“What about you?” Anthony asked, breaking the awkward silence.

“Single as fuck, man,” Sam said, leaning back and spreading his legs wider as he relaxed. His thigh was now pressed firmly against Anthony’s, who tried to shift over a bit to give him more room.

“Sometimes I feel like that too,” Anthony said, before immediately regretting it.

“Why’s that?” Sam asked.

“She’s either at work or working when she is home,” Anthony sighed. It felt good to talk about it, even to a relative stranger, he had to admit.

“Ah,” Sam sighed, his hand casually and absentmindedly scratching at his pecs. “That can get lonely.”

“You’re damn right about that. Especially in a new city.”

“Well!” Sam said, slapping a meaty hand on Anthony’s thigh and standing up. “We’re friends now!” And with that, he whipped the towel from around his waist, exposing his naked ass to Sam as he opened the sauna door and walked back towards the showers.


Legendary Member
Nov 8, 2020
90% Straight, 10% Gay

The next week, Anthony walked into the gym for their usual session and was shocked to see another person in the gym, talking to Sam. The guy was older, maybe in his late 40s, salt and pepper hair, and built all over. Anthony raised an eyebrow as he approached the two of them, and Sam smiled and waved.

“Anthony, hey! Sorry to spring this on ya, but I was hoping you’d be cool if I combine two sessions today. I’m booked up, and I planned on both of you doing legs today, so hoping you don’t mind if Isaac here joins?” Sam put a hand on the man’s shoulder, who Anthony assumed was Isaac, as the stranger stuck his hand out and smiled.

“Uh… sure, really no problem,” Anthony said, shaking Isaac’s firm hand.

“Great!” Sam said, but then hesitated. “One final request… Is it cool if I film the workout? Gotta make content for my online stuff,” he shrugged. “Isaac’s already said he’s cool with it.”

“I mean…” Anthony started, unsure how to proceed. He really didn’t want to be filmed working out. “Is there a way to not film me while you do it?”

“Definitely!” Sam exclaimed, sighing with relief. “I’ll make sure it’s only ever me and Isaac in the shot.”

As they proceeded to work out, Anthony kept a wary eye on Sam’s phone, which did always seem to be angled only to catch Isaac or Sam, but it was hard to tell if he was really not in the shot. He found the thing extremely distracting - and even worse was the fact that Sam seemed to be paying more attention to Isaac, helping him lift more and paying closer attention to Isaac’s form, correcting him with a gentle touch when needed. As Anthony struggled with squats next to Isaac and Sam, he couldn’t help but feel a little neglected, and annoyed.

By the end of the workout, Anthony found himself seething a bit, but the two men didn’t seem to have noticed. In fact, they were chatting happily with each other as Sam leaned his body across Isaac’s on the floor, helping him stretch his hamstrings, while Anthony struggled with his own stretches on the floor next to them, hopefully out of frame of the still-filming camera.

After they finished, Sam and Isaac both said they were going to hit the sauna. Anthony, now completely irritated with how the workout had gone, lied and said he had plans, and went upstairs to his apartment. Upstairs, Anthony cracked a beer and slugged half of it down right away, wiping the froth from his stubble with the back of his hand. He thought about his reaction to what had happened – was he overreacting? After all, it’s not like he was paying for the lessons. But still, it didn’t feel good to have someone else there completely taking Sam’s attention. And the filming freaked him out a bit, too, the idea that their private sessions could be seen by other people. Anthony had gotten used to the one-on-one workout relationship between him and Sam, and he didn’t like the idea that it wasn’t going to continue that way.

Still stewing on it, Anthony finished the beer and then a second, before stripping his sweaty clothes off and getting into the shower. As he lathered his body, he noticed a few spots where the muscles were starting to show more than before, his quads bulging in a way they hadn’t in years, his stomach a little flatter. He ran his soapy hands down to his pubes and lathered up his cock, half-washing it and half-stroking it, enjoying the sensation as it filled with blood and hung thick, the warm water streaming along the shaft. As it throbbed its way to and then past half-mast, he started stroking with a little more purpose, and almost involuntarily his hips and ass started flexing to fuck his own hand, sliding the cock in and out of his soapy fist.

But as he thought about his wife Hilary, and the fact that they hadn’t fucked in months, he suddenly stopped. He didn’t want to blow another sad load in the shower by himself, he wanted to fuck. As much as his balls were hanging swollen and heavy, full of cum that needed to be released, he made his hand leave his cock, deciding to save it for later. Maybe Hilary would be in the mood whenever she finally got back from work, and he didn’t want to waste this load on the chance that he could cover her in cum rather than his own hand.

He stepped out and toweled off, shoving his still-swollen cock into a pair of boxer briefs and gym shorts, which showed off his bulge. To distract himself from how horny he was, he decided to go up to Sam’s apartment and talk about what had happened in the gym. He threw on a tank top, walked up the stairs barefoot, and knocked on Sam’s door.

Sam opened the door, a towel wrapped around his waist, his brunette hair still dripping from the shower he had clearly just gotten out of. “Anthony, hey!” he said, his face breaking into a smile that made the corner of his eyes crinkle.

“Hey man, mind if I come in?”

“Of course!” Sam said, stepping back and letting Anthony enter. “Want a beer?”

“Sure,” Anthony said, as Sam handed him a bottle. They clinked the glasses and sipped on their beers, standing in the kitchen.

“So what’s up?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I was, uh, hoping we could talk about the workout earlier,” Anthony said, feeling weirdly nervous, relying on the confidence from the two and a half beers.

“Yeah man, I’m sorry about that,” Sam said, apologizing before Anthony could even say anything. “I wasn’t able to see him earlier today so I was kind of stuck. It was either combine you two or lose the money from him. I really won’t let it happen again.”

The quick apology took Anthony by surprise, and immediately all his anger evaporated. “No, man, it’s fine, I get it. You have to make money, it’s totally cool. He seemed nice.”

“He is!” Sam said, and they both sipped from their bottles. A slight awkward tension had filled the room, and Anthony couldn’t figure out where it had come from.

“One other thing is, uh, I really don’t feel comfortable being filmed. It made me nervous down there, man,” Anthony said, forcing a laugh to try to split the tension.

“Aw, man, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel weird. Fuck. Here, I promise you weren’t in the frame at all, let me show you,” Sam said, setting down his beer on the counter and jogging into the living room to grab his phone. He trotted back into the kitchen and stood next to Anthony, still in only his towel, holding the phone to show him the videos he had taken earlier. He scrubbed through the videos, and Anthony could see that he was, in fact, completely out of frame. If you didn’t know, you would have thought Sam and Isaac had been alone in the gym.

“See?” Sam said, swiping through the couple of videos he took. “I’m a pro, bud! You’re totally good.” As he finished the sentence, he swiped one video too far, and both men were suddenly looking at another video – still of Sam and Isaac, but now both were in what was almost definitely the downstairs sauna. Anthony only got a glimpse before Sam panicked and swiped away, but it very much looked like Isaac was kneeling in front of Sam.

“Whoa whoa whoa, what was that?” Anthony asked, and looked at Sam, whose face was turning a deep shade of red.

“I, uh…. Fuck, it’s… it’s nothing,” Sam stuttered.

“That looked like a lot more than nothing,” Anthony said, feeling his own face go red. It couldn’t have been what he thought it was, right? Sam took a step back from Anthony and leaned his towel-clad ass against the edge of the kitchen counter, crossing his arms under his pecs.

“Okay, fuck. Look. You know how I film content? Well, it’s uh… sometimes a little more than personal training content,” Sam said.

“Oh shit,” Anthony said. “Are you a fucking porn star?”

“No!” Sam said. “I mean, not really. You know OnlyFans?”

“I’m somewhat familiar,” Anthony laughed, and Sam laughed too.

“Yeah, I’m on there. It started as just personal training videos without much clothes, but, well… the money got really good the less I showed and the more I did, so…”

“So what kind of shit are we talking about?” Anthony asked, enjoying the fact that the discomfort in the kitchen was now completely on Sam’s side.

“Well, you know. Jerking, fucking, that sort of stuff.”

“Are you gay?”

“I’m not really anything,” Sam shrugged. “I’m just a horny guy, to be honest. I fuck women on there a lot, but the videos with men bring in like twice the cash, so…”

“So you were fucking that dude Isaac in our sauna,” Anthony said, finishing the sentence and laughing at Sam’s face.

“Not fucking! He just gave me a blowjob,” Sam said.

“Well, damn! I definitely didn’t think that would be happening when I left you two,” Anthony said, and Sam smiled with clear relief on his face that the convo had gone down so well. “But, well, that makes me even more sure about the fact that I do not want to be in your videos, dude.”

Sam chuckled and swigged the rest of his beer. “Do not worry about that, man. And thanks for being so cool about this. I felt a lot of shame about it at first, to be honest, but it is kinda fun. And it’s not like I could afford a fucking $4,000 a month apartment like this if I were really just a personal trainer!”

Anthony realized he hadn’t even thought about how a trainer was affording the same apartment as his lawyer wife, and felt stupid. Had he really gotten so used to the lifestyle that her income afforded him that he forgot it wasn’t this way for everyone?

“No worries, man, thanks for being so real with me,” Anthony said. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. See you at the gym tomorrow?”

“You got it, bud,” Sam said, putting a meaty hand on Anthony’s shoulder as he showed him to the door.

On the walk back downstairs, Anthony’s mind kept returning to the half-second glimpse he had gotten of Sam and Isaac in the sauna. He laughed and shook his head at the situation, but he also couldn’t shake the image. And after another couple beers on the couch while watching football, curiosity got the better of him, and he grabbed his phone, searched until he found Sam’s OnlyFans, and – almost without thinking – entered his credit card info and signed up.

The screen filled with videos and images, and Anthony was suddenly staring at his trainer’s dick. The first post was Sam, naked except for a baseball hat, flexing his arms in the mirror, his rock-hard cock jutting out at an angle. His dick was thick, thicker than a barbell, with a swollen cut head that had a glistening drop of precum at the tip. His balls looked heavy, dragging his sack down with weight, all of it framed by a messy, manly bush.

Anthony scrolled, finding himself surprisingly disappointed at not seeing the sauna video before realizing that of course Sam hadn’t had time to edit or upload it yet. But there were other sauna videos in there, many but not all taking place in their building’s sauna – Anthony saw thumbnails that showed Sam stroking himself in the sauna, receiving blowjobs from men and women, and fucking. He tapped on a thumbnail that showed Sam fucking a woman in the sauna, and watched as the big-titted blonde stroked Sam’s heavy flaccid cock until it got hard. He scrolled forward in the video, and suddenly Sam was balls-deep in the woman’s pussy, his glutes flexing as he fucked her.

Anthony turned the volume up on his phone and heard the slapping sound of Sam’s muscular sweaty body slamming against her ass as he fucked her from behind. He felt his cock start to grow, and as the woman moaned he got even harder. “Take my cock,” Sam grunted in the video, and Anthony’s dick surged to full mast, straining uncomfortably in his underwear. Unable to tear his eyes off the phone, he used his free hand to shimmy his shorts and underwear down, his cock flopping out and slapping against his stomach.

He stroked himself, watching Sam and the woman fuck in the sauna, imagining it was his cock in that pussy, feeling it squeeze around his shaft as he drove it in and out of the hot hole. He watched Sam’s muscles flex as he thrust into her, his thick cock spreading her lips wide, and Anthony imagined how it would feel to squeeze his dick in there with Sam’s, both of them thrusting together, feeling their cocks flexing and throbbing as they pounded her, the sweat mingling. The moans on screen got louder and Anthony felt his own dick growing to full thickness, his balls tightening against himself as he saw Sam’s balls doing the same – Sam’s fucking was reaching an intense speed, the trainer’s abs dripping with sweat as he drove his cock harder and harder into the panting woman. Sam’s voice was at a deeper register than Anthony had ever heard it as he commanded the woman to take his cock.

“You like that, slut?” he said, “Take my fucking dick. Take daddy’s cock.”

“Fill me up, daddy,” the woman moaned, and Sam fucked even harder in response.

“Yeah baby, take my load in that hole, let me fucking bury my seed in you. You feel so fucking good baby, I’m about to fill you up.”

The woman moaned in pleasure and Anthony stroked faster, watching Sam’s muscular back flexing, his huge glutes squeezing together as he started grunting, a deep animal sound that ended in, “I’m going to shoot, oh fuuuuckkk,” before Sam shoved his whole cock deep in the pussy. Between his legs, Anthony could see Sam’s balls pulsing and throbbing as they blasted cum into the woman, and a moan slipped from Anthony’s mouth as he felt his own balls shooting cum. A splat of hot seed landed on his lips, as spray after spray launched up across his torso, painting his t-shirt with globs of wet, hot cum. The orgasm felt like it lasted for an hour as waves of pleasure made Anthony’s legs tense and tremble, his dick pulsing in his hand as he stroked every last drop out. As he squeezed the last bit of cum out of his dick, letting it slide down his shaft and onto his thumb, he watched as Sam pulled his half-swollen cock out of the woman. He couldn’t help but stare at the glistening, huge rod, slick with cum and pussy juice and sweat, as a thick droplet of cum dangled from the tip. The video ended, and Anthony closed the tab, looking down at his cum-covered torso. So much for fucking his wife tonight, he thought.


Admired Member
Jun 10, 2018
Austin (Texas, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight

The next week, Anthony walked into the gym for their usual session and was shocked to see another person in the gym, talking to Sam. The guy was older, maybe in his late 40s, salt and pepper hair, and built all over. Anthony raised an eyebrow as he approached the two of them, and Sam smiled and waved.

“Anthony, hey! Sorry to spring this on ya, but I was hoping you’d be cool if I combine two sessions today. I’m booked up, and I planned on both of you doing legs today, so hoping you don’t mind if Isaac here joins?” Sam put a hand on the man’s shoulder, who Anthony assumed was Isaac, as the stranger stuck his hand out and smiled.

“Uh… sure, really no problem,” Anthony said, shaking Isaac’s firm hand.

“Great!” Sam said, but then hesitated. “One final request… Is it cool if I film the workout? Gotta make content for my online stuff,” he shrugged. “Isaac’s already said he’s cool with it.”

“I mean…” Anthony started, unsure how to proceed. He really didn’t want to be filmed working out. “Is there a way to not film me while you do it?”

“Definitely!” Sam exclaimed, sighing with relief. “I’ll make sure it’s only ever me and Isaac in the shot.”

As they proceeded to work out, Anthony kept a wary eye on Sam’s phone, which did always seem to be angled only to catch Isaac or Sam, but it was hard to tell if he was really not in the shot. He found the thing extremely distracting - and even worse was the fact that Sam seemed to be paying more attention to Isaac, helping him lift more and paying closer attention to Isaac’s form, correcting him with a gentle touch when needed. As Anthony struggled with squats next to Isaac and Sam, he couldn’t help but feel a little neglected, and annoyed.

By the end of the workout, Anthony found himself seething a bit, but the two men didn’t seem to have noticed. In fact, they were chatting happily with each other as Sam leaned his body across Isaac’s on the floor, helping him stretch his hamstrings, while Anthony struggled with his own stretches on the floor next to them, hopefully out of frame of the still-filming camera.

After they finished, Sam and Isaac both said they were going to hit the sauna. Anthony, now completely irritated with how the workout had gone, lied and said he had plans, and went upstairs to his apartment. Upstairs, Anthony cracked a beer and slugged half of it down right away, wiping the froth from his stubble with the back of his hand. He thought about his reaction to what had happened – was he overreacting? After all, it’s not like he was paying for the lessons. But still, it didn’t feel good to have someone else there completely taking Sam’s attention. And the filming freaked him out a bit, too, the idea that their private sessions could be seen by other people. Anthony had gotten used to the one-on-one workout relationship between him and Sam, and he didn’t like the idea that it wasn’t going to continue that way.

Still stewing on it, Anthony finished the beer and then a second, before stripping his sweaty clothes off and getting into the shower. As he lathered his body, he noticed a few spots where the muscles were starting to show more than before, his quads bulging in a way they hadn’t in years, his stomach a little flatter. He ran his soapy hands down to his pubes and lathered up his cock, half-washing it and half-stroking it, enjoying the sensation as it filled with blood and hung thick, the warm water streaming along the shaft. As it throbbed its way to and then past half-mast, he started stroking with a little more purpose, and almost involuntarily his hips and ass started flexing to fuck his own hand, sliding the cock in and out of his soapy fist.

But as he thought about his wife Hilary, and the fact that they hadn’t fucked in months, he suddenly stopped. He didn’t want to blow another sad load in the shower by himself, he wanted to fuck. As much as his balls were hanging swollen and heavy, full of cum that needed to be released, he made his hand leave his cock, deciding to save it for later. Maybe Hilary would be in the mood whenever she finally got back from work, and he didn’t want to waste this load on the chance that he could cover her in cum rather than his own hand.

He stepped out and toweled off, shoving his still-swollen cock into a pair of boxer briefs and gym shorts, which showed off his bulge. To distract himself from how horny he was, he decided to go up to Sam’s apartment and talk about what had happened in the gym. He threw on a tank top, walked up the stairs barefoot, and knocked on Sam’s door.

Sam opened the door, a towel wrapped around his waist, his brunette hair still dripping from the shower he had clearly just gotten out of. “Anthony, hey!” he said, his face breaking into a smile that made the corner of his eyes crinkle.

“Hey man, mind if I come in?”

“Of course!” Sam said, stepping back and letting Anthony enter. “Want a beer?”

“Sure,” Anthony said, as Sam handed him a bottle. They clinked the glasses and sipped on their beers, standing in the kitchen.

“So what’s up?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I was, uh, hoping we could talk about the workout earlier,” Anthony said, feeling weirdly nervous, relying on the confidence from the two and a half beers.

“Yeah man, I’m sorry about that,” Sam said, apologizing before Anthony could even say anything. “I wasn’t able to see him earlier today so I was kind of stuck. It was either combine you two or lose the money from him. I really won’t let it happen again.”

The quick apology took Anthony by surprise, and immediately all his anger evaporated. “No, man, it’s fine, I get it. You have to make money, it’s totally cool. He seemed nice.”

“He is!” Sam said, and they both sipped from their bottles. A slight awkward tension had filled the room, and Anthony couldn’t figure out where it had come from.

“One other thing is, uh, I really don’t feel comfortable being filmed. It made me nervous down there, man,” Anthony said, forcing a laugh to try to split the tension.

“Aw, man, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel weird. Fuck. Here, I promise you weren’t in the frame at all, let me show you,” Sam said, setting down his beer on the counter and jogging into the living room to grab his phone. He trotted back into the kitchen and stood next to Anthony, still in only his towel, holding the phone to show him the videos he had taken earlier. He scrubbed through the videos, and Anthony could see that he was, in fact, completely out of frame. If you didn’t know, you would have thought Sam and Isaac had been alone in the gym.

“See?” Sam said, swiping through the couple of videos he took. “I’m a pro, bud! You’re totally good.” As he finished the sentence, he swiped one video too far, and both men were suddenly looking at another video – still of Sam and Isaac, but now both were in what was almost definitely the downstairs sauna. Anthony only got a glimpse before Sam panicked and swiped away, but it very much looked like Isaac was kneeling in front of Sam.

“Whoa whoa whoa, what was that?” Anthony asked, and looked at Sam, whose face was turning a deep shade of red.

“I, uh…. Fuck, it’s… it’s nothing,” Sam stuttered.

“That looked like a lot more than nothing,” Anthony said, feeling his own face go red. It couldn’t have been what he thought it was, right? Sam took a step back from Anthony and leaned his towel-clad ass against the edge of the kitchen counter, crossing his arms under his pecs.

“Okay, fuck. Look. You know how I film content? Well, it’s uh… sometimes a little more than personal training content,” Sam said.

“Oh shit,” Anthony said. “Are you a fucking porn star?”

“No!” Sam said. “I mean, not really. You know OnlyFans?”

“I’m somewhat familiar,” Anthony laughed, and Sam laughed too.

“Yeah, I’m on there. It started as just personal training videos without much clothes, but, well… the money got really good the less I showed and the more I did, so…”

“So what kind of shit are we talking about?” Anthony asked, enjoying the fact that the discomfort in the kitchen was now completely on Sam’s side.

“Well, you know. Jerking, fucking, that sort of stuff.”

“Are you gay?”

“I’m not really anything,” Sam shrugged. “I’m just a horny guy, to be honest. I fuck women on there a lot, but the videos with men bring in like twice the cash, so…”

“So you were fucking that dude Isaac in our sauna,” Anthony said, finishing the sentence and laughing at Sam’s face.

“Not fucking! He just gave me a blowjob,” Sam said.

“Well, damn! I definitely didn’t think that would be happening when I left you two,” Anthony said, and Sam smiled with clear relief on his face that the convo had gone down so well. “But, well, that makes me even more sure about the fact that I do not want to be in your videos, dude.”

Sam chuckled and swigged the rest of his beer. “Do not worry about that, man. And thanks for being so cool about this. I felt a lot of shame about it at first, to be honest, but it is kinda fun. And it’s not like I could afford a fucking $4,000 a month apartment like this if I were really just a personal trainer!”

Anthony realized he hadn’t even thought about how a trainer was affording the same apartment as his lawyer wife, and felt stupid. Had he really gotten so used to the lifestyle that her income afforded him that he forgot it wasn’t this way for everyone?

“No worries, man, thanks for being so real with me,” Anthony said. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. See you at the gym tomorrow?”

“You got it, bud,” Sam said, putting a meaty hand on Anthony’s shoulder as he showed him to the door.

On the walk back downstairs, Anthony’s mind kept returning to the half-second glimpse he had gotten of Sam and Isaac in the sauna. He laughed and shook his head at the situation, but he also couldn’t shake the image. And after another couple beers on the couch while watching football, curiosity got the better of him, and he grabbed his phone, searched until he found Sam’s OnlyFans, and – almost without thinking – entered his credit card info and signed up.

The screen filled with videos and images, and Anthony was suddenly staring at his trainer’s dick. The first post was Sam, naked except for a baseball hat, flexing his arms in the mirror, his rock-hard cock jutting out at an angle. His dick was thick, thicker than a barbell, with a swollen cut head that had a glistening drop of precum at the tip. His balls looked heavy, dragging his sack down with weight, all of it framed by a messy, manly bush.

Anthony scrolled, finding himself surprisingly disappointed at not seeing the sauna video before realizing that of course Sam hadn’t had time to edit or upload it yet. But there were other sauna videos in there, many but not all taking place in their building’s sauna – Anthony saw thumbnails that showed Sam stroking himself in the sauna, receiving blowjobs from men and women, and fucking. He tapped on a thumbnail that showed Sam fucking a woman in the sauna, and watched as the big-titted blonde stroked Sam’s heavy flaccid cock until it got hard. He scrolled forward in the video, and suddenly Sam was balls-deep in the woman’s pussy, his glutes flexing as he fucked her.

Anthony turned the volume up on his phone and heard the slapping sound of Sam’s muscular sweaty body slamming against her ass as he fucked her from behind. He felt his cock start to grow, and as the woman moaned he got even harder. “Take my cock,” Sam grunted in the video, and Anthony’s dick surged to full mast, straining uncomfortably in his underwear. Unable to tear his eyes off the phone, he used his free hand to shimmy his shorts and underwear down, his cock flopping out and slapping against his stomach.

He stroked himself, watching Sam and the woman fuck in the sauna, imagining it was his cock in that pussy, feeling it squeeze around his shaft as he drove it in and out of the hot hole. He watched Sam’s muscles flex as he thrust into her, his thick cock spreading her lips wide, and Anthony imagined how it would feel to squeeze his dick in there with Sam’s, both of them thrusting together, feeling their cocks flexing and throbbing as they pounded her, the sweat mingling. The moans on screen got louder and Anthony felt his own dick growing to full thickness, his balls tightening against himself as he saw Sam’s balls doing the same – Sam’s fucking was reaching an intense speed, the trainer’s abs dripping with sweat as he drove his cock harder and harder into the panting woman. Sam’s voice was at a deeper register than Anthony had ever heard it as he commanded the woman to take his cock.

“You like that, slut?” he said, “Take my fucking dick. Take daddy’s cock.”

“Fill me up, daddy,” the woman moaned, and Sam fucked even harder in response.

“Yeah baby, take my load in that hole, let me fucking bury my seed in you. You feel so fucking good baby, I’m about to fill you up.”

The woman moaned in pleasure and Anthony stroked faster, watching Sam’s muscular back flexing, his huge glutes squeezing together as he started grunting, a deep animal sound that ended in, “I’m going to shoot, oh fuuuuckkk,” before Sam shoved his whole cock deep in the pussy. Between his legs, Anthony could see Sam’s balls pulsing and throbbing as they blasted cum into the woman, and a moan slipped from Anthony’s mouth as he felt his own balls shooting cum. A splat of hot seed landed on his lips, as spray after spray launched up across his torso, painting his t-shirt with globs of wet, hot cum. The orgasm felt like it lasted for an hour as waves of pleasure made Anthony’s legs tense and tremble, his dick pulsing in his hand as he stroked every last drop out. As he squeezed the last bit of cum out of his dick, letting it slide down his shaft and onto his thumb, he watched as Sam pulled his half-swollen cock out of the woman. He couldn’t help but stare at the glistening, huge rod, slick with cum and pussy juice and sweat, as a thick droplet of cum dangled from the tip. The video ended, and Anthony closed the tab, looking down at his cum-covered torso. So much for fucking his wife tonight, he thought.
Hot story!! Keep the chapters coming!!
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